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Fancy dress wigs

Most people wish to go platinum with their hair. But since the hair color platinum blonde is very close to being almost white it is difficult to achieve especially if you have dark hair. Hence many people use platinum wigs which give them the same look of having platinum blonde hair but without subjecting their hair to the harsh chemicals of hair bleach.

Women who try platinum blonde wigs usually have cooler skin tones which compliment the light color of the hair wigs. Hence if you have a peachy or pinkish complexion then you can be sure that platinum blonde wigs will look good on you. Platinum blonde wigs are available in two types: natural hair wigs and synthetic hair wigs. The natural hair wigs of platinum blonde color are more expensive than any other natural hair wig since finding natural hair of platinum blonde color is difficult.

Platinum blonde wigs are easier to maintain than bleaching your hair platinum blonde. If your hair is dark color then it will grow from the roots with its natural color thus making your overall appearance look quite tacky. But with platinum blonde wigs you do not having to worry about growing hair. However ensure that you maintain your platinum blonde wigs with extra care.

Remember to never leave your platinum blonde wigs near any colored cosmetics. Any blush or lipstick stains will be very difficult to remove from the platinum blonde wigs due to the light color. The dark colored cosmetics will leave its traces on the wigs making the wigs look cheap. Wash the platinum blonde wigs once for every three uses so that the wig does not lose its natural sheen due to accumulation of dirt or grime.

So use the platinum blonde wigs to step out in style with a touch of glamour and make a bold fashion statement.


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Fancy dress wigs
will transform your look, without scissors or
drastic measures... and step out in funky style with a designer wig!

One catalogue and a whole lot of
possibilities is literally just a click away...and


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