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Half wig

Synthetic hair wigs have been extremely useful to many people. Not only are the synthetic hair wigs cheaper than the natural hair wigs but are also easier to maintain. However the synthetic hair wigs are delicate and do require periodical maintenance procedures to ensure that the synthetic hair wigs last longer.

Washing the synthetic hair wigs regularly is necessary to prevent accumulation of dirt and grime on the wigs and also to increase their lifespan. But washing the synthetic hair wigs everyday will damage the hair strands and shorten the lifespan of the hair wigs. Hence wash the synthetic hair wigs once for every five to six times of use. If you are still wondering how to wash synthetic hair wigs then you must remember to use special shampoo available at the wig shops to wash your synthetic hair wigs. .

To wash the synthetic hair wigs you must use cold water in a small tub along with one teaspoon of baking soda. When the baking soda has completely dissolved in the water you can add the necessary amounts of shampoo to baking soda and water mix. Dip your synthetic hair wigs into the washing mixture and let it soak through. Then using a special wig brush slowly detangle the knots on the synthetic hair strands. Use a special wig washing brush to remove the dirt and grime from the hair strands and the stock of the wig.

Repeat the procedure of brushing the wig clean for a few times till all the dirt has been washed away. Now rinse the synthetic hair wig in clean flowing cold water to completely remove the shampoo. Later you can use a special wig conditioner and dry out the wig in a windy but shady place. Synthetic hair wigs though cheaper last for a very short time so take proper care to make them last longer and look natural.


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